Little Rock V

     And now a commercial break.   Two years from now the General Assembly will elect a new Financial Advisor.  The Nominating Committee will be deciding on its choices in the early fall of 1988, not so far away as these things go.  I haven’t a clue as to who that person will be.  Although I am, or course, totally objective about this office, I think it is most important.  I hope all of you will give this your best thought.  Ideally, a candidate would have financial and investment background as well as a history of significant UU involvement.

     Bill Schulz, Natalie Gulbrandsen, Kay Montgomery, Bob Sallies, Larry Wheeler.  These are the people who loom large in the life and work of the Financial Advisor.

     They have all given me great support and cooperation and have been a genuine pleasure to work with.  We don’t always agree -- sometimes we have strong celebrations of our diversity -- but our bond is that we know we each care a great deal about our Association.

     And tomorrow, the acrobat knew she would go out on the wire again.  It was what she wanted to do -- and yet she knew fear and uncertainty would mix with confidence as she took her left foot off the platform and placed it on the wire.  She knew this was a part of life.  For us she represented art imitating life.  For her she was life imitating art.  Her road was a little different;  the risks a bit greater;  the dangers a bit more predictable; but in the end she had to go the distance with her own strengths and weaknesses.

     She had to get herself in some level of dynamic balance, to keep moving forward, to make it across the wire, to challenge what lay beyond the tiny platform on other side.

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